GENERAL QUESTIONS ( click on ???? after a question to jump to answers)
1. Who can place bids ????
2. Regarding Registration
  • Are there any charges for registration for bidders ????
  • What is validation number and how can I get the same ????
  • Why I need to give my correct personal details like address ,phone number,bank name and account number ????
  • Which password should I use to register ????
  • can I use some other user name instead of my personal email ID as user name ????
  • What is GCA ( Genuineness Confirmation Account) ????
  • What is GA ( Guarantee Amount ) ????
3. How I can find a listed item I am looking for ????
4. Regarding Bidding
  • How I can place a bid on a listed item ????
  • Are there any charges for placing a bid on an item ????
  • What is meant by expected amount & who has quoted the same ????
  • Can I quote value lower than expected amount ????
  • I did quote a value but the message displays that "you can only increase the bid amount" why is so ????
  • Can I agian revise my quoted bid ????
  • How Can I again reach to same items where I had placed my bids ????

5. What are the terms and condtions ????

6. I still have not found the question/answer I had been looking for. Where I can now find the answer ????


Who can place bids ????

Any person who has attained age above 18 years and who is of sound mind is free to place as many bids on as many items listed on the web site. He should have at least one valid registered e mail ID with any e mail service provider.

To be visible as genuine buyer one should have submitted verified residence and identity proof ( Verified by surveyor loss assessor) with the site and should have also have opted for voluntary GCA and GA conditions as explained below.


Are there any charges for registration for bidders ????

There were no charges for registration till 1st April 2018 . However wef 1st April,2018 there will be processing charges as Rs 5000.00( NON REFUNDABLE ) incl. of GST and also refundable security deposit minimum of Rs 20000.00 for private sector bidders who further opt for GCA and GA condition on compulsary basis effective from 1st April 2018.

One can still make offer to the seller directly using his contact details with the listings as uploader details. Since such offers will be made off line and therefore your offer will remain hidden and consideration of the same will be sole descrition of the seller surveyor loss assessor.

However registered users will be having added advantage that the seller will know that his credentials on first hand as Verified or unverified or Genuine with GCA and GA condition. Also the mail ID and phone of buyer will be reflected on items where he places bids and thereby his reputation as a buyer is also get advertised.



What is validation number and how can I get the same ????

As a precaution for verification of email ID provided by you the validation number is required,which will be provided by us through e mail to your e mail account and you can use the number provided to proceed further in filling the registration form completely and correctly.


Why I need to give my correct personal details like address ,phone number,bank name and account number ????

No such details are required under private sector for registration. However correct details need to be provided as in case you claim your refund, the same will be sent only to the details provided by you.


Which password should I use to register ????

During registration you may choose any passwordof your choice for registration on this site and you can use the same only on this site. You are strongly advised not to use the passward associated with your valid email ID and advised to create a new password for this site for your own security.


can I use some other user name instead of my personal email ID as user name ????

No, You can not and should not use any other user name instead of your valid e mail ID as user name for using this site .



What is GCA ( Genuineness Confirmation Account)

The buyers can show that they are genuine buyers by keeping amount deposited with the site and the said deposited amount will get displayed on all listings in which he places bids along with his details as phone number and mail ID along with his offer for the listing.

Though by placing bids on the site will not guarantee that the listed item will be given to highest offer making buyer, but credentials of the buyers will be reflected with the listing and surveyors/ sellers will find it easy to distinguish the genuine buyer.

Buyers can however make their offer directly to the seller and may not place their offers through the site or even may not register on the site. However if buyer makes offer on listing on he site and after close of bid period , if called to honour his offer by the surveyor & loss assessor ( Not applicable for INDIVIDUALS LISTING ) within reasonable time after close of listing period generally upto 4 months from start of listing period. He has to honour his offer made on the site and in case he fails to do so then the site will deduct amount equal to GA amount declared by the buyer and said amount will be sent to the surveyor concerned having lodged the complaint and claimed the damages / inconvenience caused.FURTHER if the buyer has deposited some amount with the site to prove his genuineness termed as GCA and does not honour his offer made on the listing/listings then after due verification the said deposited amount will be distributed amoung the effected surveyor / surveyors if claimed by them for having suffered the loss on account of such genuine buyers (GCA ... Genuineness certified Account). The same will further be on basis of Rs 2000.00 ( GA ) per listing for listings not honoured by the buyer subject to the buyers GCA ( Genuniness Confirmation Account) having sufficient funds otherewise the maximum GCA amount available with the site (if lower than Rs 2000.00) will be forwarded to the surveyor claiming the same on first come first serve basis. The buyers may opt for higher GCA and GA amounts thereby showing their own status as buyers.

The GCA ( Genuniness Confirmation Accont) money deposited with the site can be refunded to the buyer and same will be upto the amount lying in his GCA account maximum upto his principal amount deposited as GCA. The refund will be made after 30 days of his claim and site The one time processing fee of Rs 5000.00 incl. of GST will be charged at time of submission of GCA amount for first time . Any subsequent increase in GCA amount can be done with processing charges of Rs 500.00 plus 18% GST ( Non refundable) for each such event. No processing charges will be levied for refund cases .

The starter pack for voluntarily opting for GCA and GA users one may opt for Rs 20000.00 as GCA and processing charges of Rs 5000.00 incl. GST and thereby sending minimum DD of Rs 25000.00 to office of along with his residence and identity proof duly veried by any surveyor loss assessor with confirmation of mail ID of user by the surveyor loss assessor.



What is GA ( Gurantee Amount)


If the bidder has maintained GCA account and if claim is maid by surveyor against the bidder after due verification by site if his claim found genuine surveyor can claim for amount upto Rs 2000.00 as explained in GCA which is termed as GA ( Gurantee Amount) subject to condition GCA account has suffecient balance for making good such claim. Bidders can on voluntary basis can raise the GA ( Gurantee Amount) above Rs 2000.00 by opting for same. This means that Buyers can display their status of their gurantee for bids placed and if such voluntary bidder opts for example Rs 5000.00 as his GA than the GA will reflect as Rs 5000.00 and in case his does not honour his offer placed through the site he assures for deduction of upto Rs 5000.00 instead of general upto Rs 2000.00 and the GA amount will be sent to the surveyor making complaint and claiming the same.Decision made by in all such disputes arising between buyer and seller regarding GA deductions from GCA account of buyer will be final and binding on both the parties to the dispute.

One should note that GCA amount will be minimum of 5 times of GA amount i.e. if GA opted is Rs 2000.00 then the buyer has to maintain GCA amount to Rs 20000.00 and if higher option is choosen say GA as Rs 5000.00 then the GCA to be maintained is Rs 25000.00 minimum.


How I can find a listed item I am looking for ????

You can find from the listed items by surfing on the pages of the site and using the links on pages linking to the items where you have the interest. On reaching the item of your interest you can select the item you are interested in and have a good look on all the details provided for the listed item before considering to place a bid on the item.You can even check the current status of the listed item.For private sector listed items very limited facilities are being provided and thereby genuineness of either bidders or the uploaders cannot be checked by us. Both the parties will have to make contact with one another all by themselves from the information provided by them against the listed item and check genuiness at their own end.


How I can place a bid on a listed item ????

In case a listed item seems to be of interest to you, you may follow the links to reach to the details page for the said listed item and after through checking and as an advise you may also physically inspect the item at location details / any other details provided by listing organisation. You may click to bid whereby you will be asked your email ID and registered ID ( In case you haven't yet registered kindly register to proceed further). You can then fill the bid amount and submit and the same will be reflected against the details page of listed item.You may note the personal details of the item listing person/ agency and make contact throug email/ phone and negotiate the deal amoung yourself.


Are there any charges for placing a bid on an item ????

No, there are no extra charges from either the uploaders or the bidders for items listed in private sector listings, they only have to comply with the registration conditions .



What is meant by expected amount & who has quoted the same ????

The expected amount is quoted by the item listing person and is a reference for the bidders. Bidders may bid for the listed item at amount lower or higher than the expected amount by the listing organisation. However they may also open communication directly with the listing party for finalisation of deal among themselves.


Can I quote value lower than expected amount ????

Yes, Of course you can but the same can not be lower than the price quoted by any other bidder. Further you may get in direct contact with the item listing party for direct settlement/negotiations.


I did quote a value but the message displays that "you can only increase the bid amount" why is so ????

This is not applicable under private sector listings.


Can I agian revise my quoted bid ????

YES, you can revise your bid upwardly only from your previously made offer on the item,any number of times.



How Can I again reach to same items where I had placed my bids ????

You can surf to the listing and find it . If you have placed a bid a mail gets generated for all the buyers having participated in the bid and using the link in same you can find your listing and make your offer again.GO TO TOP OF PAGE


What are the terms and condtions ???? is providing free web space on the site.Providing the web space or to stop any listing of private sector at any stage of listing is the sole descrition of and in all circumstances is not liable and responsible for any item listed in private sector listings or the bids made by bidders on the same or the genuiness of either bidder or item listing firm. In case the item listing individual /firm/agency or the bidders under private sector listings is proved to be doing any unlawful activity then the will have all legal right to seek damages from the listing individual/firm/agency or the bidders at judicial coutrs in Jammu, INDIA.All genral terms all as applicable to insurance sector are applicable and for details you must visit the page TERMS AND CONDITIONS for details. In addition to same the condition of Registration,GCA and GA will be applicable.


I still have not found the question/answer I had been looking for. Where I can now find the answer ????

IF any of your questions still remain unanswered then we suggest you to visit our contact us page and feel free to submit your question. Our team will look into it and if able to answer will respond to you with answer in time.



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