GENERAL QUESTIONS ( click on ???? after a question to jump to answers)
1. What type of facilities we may get from here ????
2. Regarding Registration
  • Are there any charges for registration for insurers ????
  • What is validation number and how can we get the same ????
  • Why I need to give my correct personal details like address ,phone number,bank name and account number ????
  • Which password should I use to register ????
  • can I use some other user name instead of my offcial email ID as user name ????
3. How can we list a item online ????
4. Are there any charges for listing a item or any other charges for useing the site by us. ????
5. How we can find all the items listed by us on this site.????
6. What are our duties before & after listing a item for bidding ????
7. What are the terms and condtions ????
8. I still have not found the question/answer I had been looking for. Where I can now find the answer ????


What type of facilities we may get from here ????

  1. Freedom to list any item online at the site  all by yourself
  2. Freedom to register online with the web site using as as many number of valid official email ID's as desired by the insurers.
  3. Freedom to set any additional conditions and details on line for the listed item in addition to the general conditions set by the for the bidders to participate in the listed items bid.
  4. Freedom to online set expected minimum value for the listed item by your authorised official.
  5. Freedom to login into account created by you and to view the current status of the listed items using your official email ID and password created for use on this site.
  6. Freedom to approve or  extend the bid period and add/edit any picture depicting the listed item listed  by you at any stage.
  7. Freedom to reject any listed item for bidding at any stage without assigning any reason. subject to terms and condition
  8. Freedom to select from the three highest bidders.
  9. Bid summary made available shortly after close of the bid period thereby assisting you to take final decision for disposal of the salvage item.
  10. Main details of highest ranking 3 bidders will be made avaialble to insurers after close of the bid time having their personal details like email ID, Address,Phone number/mobile number ( As provided to us by the bidder) Also total no of bids been placed on the listed item during the period of listing as set by the insurers will be made available to the insurers.
  11. Mostly genuine bidders will be participating in the bids and thereby insurers may realise most approperiate value of their listed item
  12. The system is almost transparent for all and user friendly.


Are there any charges for registration from us ????

No, There are no charges for registration .


What is validation number and how can I get the same ????

As a precaution for verification of email ID provided by you the validation number is required,which will be provided by us through an e mail to your official e mail account in your organisation and you can use the number provided to proceed further in filling the registration form completely and correctly.


Why I need to give my correct personal details like address ,phone number,bank name and account number ????

Your details like bankers name and bank account number will not be displayed on the listings, however the same are requested, as the margin/ security money collected by us for the listed items by you, for forwarding the same to you through electronic fund transfer. In case you do not want to share the same you may fill the said cells as " UNDISCLOSED ", In such cases we undertake to send the security / earnerst/security money collected by us , from the approved/ selected bidder duly finalised by you, to you through cheque by courier/registered post.


Which password should we use to register ????

During registration you may choose any password of your choice for registration on this site and you can use the same only on this site. You are strongly advised not to use the password associated with your valid official email ID and advised to create a new password for this site for your organisations own security.


can I use some other user name instead of my official email ID as user name ????

No, You can not and should not use any other user name instead of your valid official e mail ID as an user name for using this site .


How can we list a item online ????

For listing an item we advise you to have a look on FAQ page for answers to all your questions terms and conditions which will facilitate you in listing an item. You can select the insurers upload here section on home page and same will guide you to the links for one time registration for each official email ID and listing of the item.


Are there any charges for listing an item or any other charges for useing the site by us. ????

As a policy,we intend to provide free service to the insurers/govt. sector organisations. As such he registration and listing of item online is free.The decision like approval rejection and extend time options use by you is also free.The personalised user account for insurance/Govt. sector for each registered official email ID is also free. In short all services on this site for insurers are free except in cases where item listing organisation reject any listed item from bidding at any stage, Which is further subject to condition that for cases where no bidding had yet been placed by bidders there will no charges and if bids had been placed for the said listed item and at least one bidder has placed bid amount not less than 90 % of the minimum quoted price by you for the listed item only then the insurers will have to bear administrative charges @ Rs 100.00 per no of bids placed for the said listing(As per number counter for no of bids placed on the listed item) till rejection of the bid ( Both for verified and non verified cases). The said amount will have to be paid to within a month of rejection of such listed item at above rate.

We will be charging very nominal charges from the bidders for participation and details can be viewed from terms and conditions and from FAQ for insurance sector bidders.


How we can find all the items listed by us on this site ????

You can check the current status of the items listed by you after loging on to your personal user account by using your official email ID and password created on this site.You can further have detailed veiw of the listed items current processes on each refresh of the current pages from your account.


What are our duties before and after listing a item for bidding ????

During listing of item online you have to put in minimum reasonable expected quoted value for the item listed by you at which you may in most circumstances under your control will consider the bidders value reasonalbe for approval.The same will have direct bearing on the earnerst/security money to be deposited by the bidders. After listing a item for bidding for time period as desired by you but not less than 15 days Your organisation may periodically visit and check the current status of the listed item and on close of the listed period will have to decide on the offers if any obtained on the listed item from the bidders. You may extend the time of listed item or may reject the bid itself or may approve the same as per the terms and conditons applicable for use of site by the insurers/Govt. sector. IN CASE YOU APPROVE A BIDDER FROM THE TOP 3 NO BIDDERS WHOESE DETAILS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU THROUGH AN E MAIL AFTER CLOSE OF THE BID TIME YOU WILL HAVE TO CLICK ON APPROVAL BUTTON BY VISITING YOUR PERSONAL USER ACCOUNT AND IN ADDITION AS A DUTY WILL HAVE TO SEND AN EMAIL TO clearly specifying the name of the approved bidder with his IDand the ID of the listed item (The said ID's will be available to you in our email sent at time of closure of the bid). The same is required for communication to the approved bidder and unsucessful bidders of the listed item. Thereafter the approved bidder will be advised to approach your concerned official and in case he completes all your requirements and collects the listed item You will have to send us final email confirming finalisation of the disposal process on our email The same is necessary as same will enable us to close the bid and start the refund process to the unsucessful bidders.


What are the terms and condtions ????

You can view the terms and conditons for bidders by following the link from FAQ main page and even from the link on above line.


I still have not found the question/answer I had been looking for. Where I can now find the answer ????

IF any of your questions still remain unanswered then we suggest you to visit our contact us page and feel free to submit your question. Our team will look into it and if able to answer will respond to you with answer in time.



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